St George's Church, Benenden  Church

Image Source: John Vigar


What better setting could there be than at the southern end of a village green complete with cricket? The north front of Benenden church broods over its village and one doesn't really recognise just how large it is until one gets inside. Then a majestic and well-cared for building comes to view. Wide and light and all Perpendicular - mostly due to the nineteenth century architect David Brandon who remodelled the medieval building which had in turn been badly damaged in a seventeenth century fire. The reredos is a flamboyant piece of 19th century design, part of a tiled scheme which covers the entire east wall. There is a very good range of stained glass, including several figures of St George to whom the church is dedicated.



Church Data


1851 Census Details


Seating Capacity: No return

Morning Attendance: 150

Afternoon Attendance: 264

Evening Attendance: No service


Architecture Details


Original Build Date/Architect: Medieval

Restoration: David Brandon 1862

Second Restoration:







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