John E. Vigars Kent Church Photographs
Image Source: 1904 Postcard
A conventional design for this nineteenth century urban church built in the early Decorate style with the ubiquitous round piers supporting chamfered arcades. The aisles broad to get in as many as possible. Naughty windows throw light into the centre of the church without the need for an expensive clerestory. The large east window slightly out of proportion to the building, but a fine shape letting in just enough light to highlight the difference between the ceiled chancel roof and the bold braces of the nave. Started by local timber merchant Albermarle Cator in 1863 it was rebuilt in its present form ten years later, incorporating some of the original building. The church was severely damaged in the war
Church Data
1851 Census Details
Seating Capacity: Not built
Morning Attendance: Not built
Afternoon Attendance: Not built
Evening Attendance: Not built
Architecture Details
Original Build Date/Architect: Smith and Williams 1872
Second Restoration:
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